Thursday 19 April 2012

Week 24 - Re-drafting Music Magazine Double Page Spread

I learnt alot about how to develop my use of different softwares and technologies. I watched a video on youtube on how to create a logo on InDesign.

I looked back on the first draft of the double page spread I created and compared it to my final draft to see how much I had improved and what most suited my target audience.

I feel that the way I merged the images into the background gave the double page spread a classy sosphisticated look. However I do not feel the color corresponded well with that of the front cover and finding font colors that went well with it was also very hard.

I feel that my second double page spread was more effective as the effects I used to edit my images were more complex and the color scheme I used was alot more simple and matched up to my front cover.

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