Thursday 19 April 2012

Week 22 - Re-Drafting Music Magazine Front Cover

When re-drafting my music magazine front cover I reviewed all the research I had carried out on front covers currently on the market as I knew I wanted my magazine to abide by the forms and conventions of magazines that are already on the market.

Current artists influenced my research into sub-genre's of my magazine.

When looking at this front cover I considered what the target audience might be through the artist they had on the cover was and how this artist could influence readers.

Looking at this front cover I considered the importance of eye contact with the readers and whether the image would have made more of an impact on my if his eyes were open.

This close up shot of the artist as a front cover I thought was genius. Direct eye contact, simplistic strong color scheme. I thought it was a fantastic front cover.

My media product represents men and women between the ages of 18-45 who are interested in music from different genre’s and different parts of the world through the stories featured in the magazine.

  • Ana Rocha 15years in the spotlight
  • Glen D'Angelo's deadly comeback tour
  • Ghanian duo Accra2
  • 25 Greek folk songs that will change your life

My magazine represents social groups of various different genre's and walks of life because my magazine is all about representing and catering for the musical tates of different types of people. For example rock music is commonly linked to white men in the B/C/D/E category, between the age of 14-45. Where as grime music on the other hand is linked to young black youth (mainly males) in the E/U category.

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